Acts 19:11-20 | 01 September 2024
Pastor Josh shares the word, discussing the occult and why it is incompatible with Christian life. Spend some of your time today soaking in a period of sung worship, taking communion and listen to a great message.
Pastor Josh shares the word, discussing the occult and why it is incompatible with Christian life. Spend some of your time today soaking in a period of sung worship, taking communion and listen to a great message.
David shares the story of Bartimaeus, a blind beggar from Mark 10:46-52, highlighting its significance as Jesus is on his way to Jerusalem during the final week of his life. He explains the context of the story, noting that while most healing stories in the Gospels don’t name the individuals, Bartimaeus is specifically named, emphasizing … Read more
Jenny shares the Word focusing on the Beatitudes from Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. She begins by reflecting on the profound impact of worship and how Jesus’ presence compelled crowds to follow Him up a mountain to hear Him speak, highlighting the captivating power of His message. She then explains the Beatitudes, sharing that the … Read more