Welcome to The Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Spalding, Lincolnshire, a beacon of warmth, faith, and togetherness. Our doors are open to everyone, from recent arrivals to those seeking an active, spirited community. We embrace the Bible as the foundation of our faith, with Jesus Christ at the heart of our worship. Our aim is to be a spiritual lighthouse, guiding our community through a rich programme of activities for all ages and standing firm in the healing power of God. Join us to experience the deep bonds of faith, hope, and dedication in a family that believes in the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ. You are truly welcome here, at The Lighthouse Church.

Sunday Services

Main Meeting at 09:00

Crossover Fellowship at 10:30

Second Service at 11:30

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Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Spalding

Spend some of your time today soaking in a period of sung worship, taking communion and listen to a great message

Every Sunday, at the Lighthouse Church, we have 2 services, one at 9:00am and one at 11:30am. Both services have children's works and the second service has a programme for young people.
Be welcome to come and join us in Spalding Lincolnshire.

Please ensure you are subscribed to our YouTube channel to stay updated with all that goes on with the life of the Lighthouse Church. Follow us on Facebook.

At The Lighthouse Pentecostal Church in Spalding, Lincolnshire, we embody these Pentecostal principles with a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. We aim to be a guiding light in our community, offering a place of worship, spiritual growth, and communal support. Whether you are new to the area or seeking a spirited community of faith, our church doors are open to you. Join us to experience the warmth, faith, and togetherness that define our congregation.

The Holy Spirit, that's really the heartbeat of Pentecostalism, you know? It's like this constant, vibrant presence actively working in our lives, and when you get baptised in the Holy Spirit, it's this profound experience often marked by speaking in tongues, this beautiful, spiritual language we call glossolalia. And then there are the spiritual gifts, can you imagine having special gifts straight from God? Prophecy, healing, speaking in tongues – they're not just stories from ancient times, they're alive and active today, tools we use to uplift each other and spread the Gospel far and wide. Our worship, oh, it's anything but dull, with enthusiastic singing, clapping, spontaneous praise, music that ranges from contemporary worship songs to traditional hymns, creating this atmosphere where everyone can feel the joy and presence of God. We firmly believe in divine healing and miracles, trusting that when we pray for physical healing or any other needs, God’s supernatural power will touch our lives in extraordinary ways. Sharing our faith, that's in our DNA, we're passionate about telling others about the love of Jesus, both in our local communities and around the world – it's not just a task, it's our heartfelt mission. The Bible, it's our guide, the inspired word from God, and we dive deep into its teachings, encouraging everyone to read and study the Scriptures regularly, as it's the foundation of our faith and practice. And then there's community and fellowship, we're more than just a church, we're a family, with strong community ties and fellowship at our core, organising various activities and programmes to foster this sense of belonging and support among our members.