Judging Others | 04 August 2024

Andrew focuses on a passage from The Sermon on the Mount, specifically Matthew 7:1-6, where Jesus teaches about judgment and hypocrisy.

Jesus is challenging the Pharisees and the traditional religious views by introducing the principles of the kingdom of God. The key message is about the importance of self-awareness before judging others. Jesus warns that the same standard we use to judge others will be used against us, urging us to be mindful and compassionate in our judgments. Andrew stresses that while judgment is a part of daily life, it’s crucial to judge righteously and with humility.

Andrew touches on the idea of blind spot—areas in our lives where we are unaware of our faults. Suggesting that just as drivers must check their blind spots, Christians should examine their lives for hidden faults, with the help of trusted friends and the Holy Spirit. Highlighting the importance of removing our own faults before trying to help others with theirs.

Jesus is the perfect example, who, full of grace and truth, dealt with sinners mercifully, as shown in the story of the woman caught in adultery (John 8). There is a call to follow Jesus’ example by extending grace and mercy to others, doing what is right, loving mercy, and walking humbly with God, as instructed in Micah 6:8.